Implementation Aspects

 general design principles followed when designing the architecture for the AOCS Framework are discussed under the following headings:

Implementation Language

The framework prototype was implemented in C++ but its design can in general be implemented on any object oriented language that supports multiple implementation of abstract interfaces (see also language compatibility).

In order to ensure compatibility with the real-time environment in which the framework is expected to be used, only a subset of the C++ features were used. More specifically, the following features were not used:

Memory is allocated only during the initialization phase. No dynamic memory allocation is performed during normal operation (ie. no calls to the new() operators are made during normal operation).

In order to eliminate the danger of "dangling pointers", complex objects (ie objects that are directly or indirectly derived from class AocsObject) are never destroyed until application termination. This restriction also applies to object destruction on the stack. One implication is therefore that such objects are never passed by value in method calls. Only pointers to objects are passed as method parameters, never the object themselves. This guarantees that references to objects remain always valid.

Compliance with the rules forbidding dynamical destruction of complex objects is ensured by having the destructor of class AocsObject raise a failure event if it is ever executed. In a more radical approach, one could make the destructor private which would ensure that the compiler detects any attempt to destroy an object dynamically. This was not done in the framework prototype because of interference with the testing programs.

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Use of Parasoft's Code Wizard

The C++ language is notoriously dangerous if not used carefully. The previous section outlined some guidelines that were enforced during the development of the framework prototype to avoid common C++ pitfalls. In the AOCS Framework Project, compliance with these guidelines was initially verified manually. Towards the end of the project, the CodeWizard tool from Parasoft was procured and evaluated. CodeWizard essentially extends the C++ compiler to enforce safe coding practices. It has a large set of built-in rules and additionally allows users to define their own project-specific rules using a very simple graphical interface. The latter feature is especially valuable in the context of the AOCS Framework as it would allow compliance with the rules mentioned in the previous section to be verified automatically. The experience with CodeWizard was very positive and CodeWizard is regarded as the kind of tool that can bring C++ to the same, or even higher, standards of safety and reliability as exhibited by languages like Ada.

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Framework Overheads

Use of a framework approach introduces two types of overheads with respect to an object-based implementation: The overheads due to dynamic binding are common to all object-oriented applications. Their impact can be summarized as follows: The framework-specific overheads represent the price that is paid for having a reusable architecture. They arise from the structure of the framework as a domain-specific extension of the operating system. The framework-specific overheads can be measured in the same manner in which OS overheads are usually measured.

The memory overhead is simply given by the memory occupied by the functionality managers which represents the ballast that the framework introduces at application level. With the configuration used for the AOCS framework prototype this is equal to just over 60 kBytes (including both code and data). Since a typical AOCS application might occupy around 400-600 Kbytes, the framework memory overhead is around 10-15%.

CPU overheads can be established by measuring CPU usage when the functionality managers run “empty” (ie. no components plugged into them). In the AOCS framework prototype, an empty cycle takes 0.2 ms with the SPARC processor running at 14 MHz. Since typical AOCS cycles last 100 ms or more, the framework-induced CPU overhead is nearly negligible.

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Testing Configuration

The configuration used for testing the framework prototype was the ERC32 SPARC processor with the RTEMS operating system. The ERC32 cross-compilation system (version 2.0.7) based on the GNU compiler was used as a development environment.  The tests were performed on the ERC32 simulator (version sis-3.0.5) that simulates the operation of the hardware to bit level and exactly reproduces its timing behaviour.

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Last updated on Feb. 5-th 2002 by Alessandro Pasetti