N. Naming Convention
1 The name of classes encapsulating core components shall begin with the prefix "CC_".
2 The name of classes encapsulating default components shall begin with the prefix "DC_".
3 The name of classes representing abstract interfaces shall being with "I_". Note that, in a C++ context, this rule only comes into play if multiple inheritance is allowed. It is therefore not used in the OBS Framework.
4 The name of pointer variables shall being with the prefix "p".
5 The name of typedef types shall being with "TD_".
6 The name of constant variables (variables that in a C program would be defined as #define constants) shall be written in capital letters.
7 The name of setter and getter methods for component properties shall follow the JavaBeans naming conventions.
8 Classes that provide trivial implementations of abstract classes and which are intended to be used for testing purposes only shall have names that begin with: "DC_Dummy".
9 Classes that provide non-trivial implementations of abstract classes and which are intended to be used for testing purposes only shall have names that begin with: "DC_Test".
10 Classes that act as wrappers for code generated from Matlab shall have names that begin with the string: "DC_Matlab"
10 Classes that are automatically generated and serve as examples of the classes that can be automatically generated in the OBS Framework by XSLT code generators shall have names that begin with the string: "DC_Sample"
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