<aspect xmlns:src="http://www.sdml.info/srcML/src" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:cpp="http://www.sdml.info/srcML/cpp" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://control.ee.ethz.ch/XWeaver/AspectX" xsi:schemaLocation="http://control.ee.ethz.ch/XWeaver/AspectX ../../../../src/xsd/aspectX.xsd" name="CarPreCondition">
    The base code does not perform any range checks on the values of 
    parameters being passed to methods (for instance, there is no check that 
    object pointers are not 
<code>NULL</code>). We want to modify this base code to do two 
<li>to perform validity checks on the parameters passed to a method</li>
<li>to execute a recovery action in case the parameters are found to be 
    A "recovery action" in our context is an instance of a class derived 
    from class 
<code>RecoveryAction</code>. The recovery action should be a plug-in component 
    for the class where the parameter valildity check is performed.
<author>I. Birrer, O. Rohlik</author>

<pointcut type="src:function" name="checkedMethods">
      Points to all methods which ranges should be checked. These methods are 
<code>setPower</code> and 
<pointcut type="src:function" constraint="src:name='Engine::setPower'" />
<pointcut type="src:function" constraint="src:name='Battery::setLoadLevel'" />
<pointcut type="src:class" name="checkedMethodsClasses">
      Points to all classes that have methods which ranges should be checked. These classes 
<code>Engine</code> and <code>Battery</code>.
<pointcut type="src:class" constraint="src:name='Engine'" />
<pointcut type="src:class" constraint="src:name='Battery'" />

<advice name="addRecoverySupportMethodDeclaration" type="add">
<description>Adds a method <code>setRecoveryAction()</code> to the classes that supports recovery.</description>
<pointcutRef ref="checkedMethodsClasses" type="src:class" />
<codeModifier type="declaration">
<accessModifier type="public" />
<text />
 * Sets the recovery action to be taken, if a method returns a NULL pointer
 * @param RecoveryAction The recoveryAction to be taken, if a method returns a NULL pointer
void setRecoveryAction( RecoveryAction aRecoveryAction );
<advice name="addRecoverySupportFieldDeclaration" type="add">
<description>Adds a declaration of field variable <code>recoveryAction</code> to classes that support recovery.</description>
<pointcutRef ref="checkedMethodsClasses" type="src:class" />
<codeModifier type="declaration">
<accessModifier type="private" />
<text>/** The recovery action to be taken, if a method returns a NULL pointer"/&gt; */</text>
<text>RecoveryAction recoveryAction;</text>
<advice name="addRecoverySupportDefinition" type="add">
<description>Adds definition of method <code>setRecoveryAction()</code> to units (files) that contain definition of class that that have methods which ranges should be checked.</description>
<pointcut type="src:unit">
<restriction type="isDefinitionOf">
<pointcutRef ref="checkedMethodsClasses" type="src:class" />
<codeModifier type="definition">
<text>void ${className}::setRecoveryAction( RecoveryAction aRecoveryAction ) {</text>
<text>  recoveryAction = aRecoveryAction;</text>
<advice name="checkedMethods" type="begin">
<description>Adds code that validates the precondition. It checks the value of the first parameter. It it is less than 10 the recovery action is performed.</description>
<pointcutRef type="src:function" ref="checkedMethods" />
<codeModifier type="codeFragment">
<text>if( ${paramNames[1]} &lt; 10 ) {
<advice type="add" name="addIncludeDecl">
<description>Adds <code>#include "RecoveryAction.h"</code> to all units where classes with functions returning pointers are defined.</description>      
<pointcut type="src:unit">
<restriction type="isDefinitionOf">
<pointcutRef ref="checkedMethodsClasses" type="src:class" />
<codeModifier type="include">
<text>#include "RecoveryAction.h"</text>
<advice type="add" name="addIncludeDef">
<description>Adds <code>#include "RecoveryAction.h"</code> to all units where functions returning pointer are defined.</description>  
<pointcut type="src:unit">
<restriction type="contain">
<pointcutRef ref="checkedMethodsClasses" type="src:class" />
<codeModifier type="include">
<text>#include "RecoveryAction.h"</text>
