Interface EodispModel

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEodispModel, ExperimentChooserModel, FedPermissionsModel, JxtaConfigModel, MmAppConfigModel, MmFederateInfoModel, MmFederatesModel, RemoteConfModel, ReposModel, RmAppConfigModel, SmAppConfigModel, SmAppSettingsModel, SmErrorModel, SmExperimentInfoModel, SmExpTreeModel, SMPropertySheetModel, SmReposFederatesModel, SomCategoriesModel

public interface EodispModel

All models in a EODiSP application implement this interface. It indicates that the class serves as a model for a visual component (such as a tree, list, table, etc.)

A model is a basic component of the model view controller (MVC) architecture. It serves as a kind of data pool from which views will take their data to display them to the user. A model gets its command from a controller. It will act upon such a command as appropriate and inform the view about updates (such as adding or removing values).

The implementation of a model is greatly dependant on the visual component. Hence, only a few methods are generic for each model.

$ 2047 2006-05-09 12:20:54Z eglimi $

Method Summary
 void doSave()
          Executes the save command in the model.
 void doUpdate()
           Instructs the model to do an update of its data.
 boolean hasChanges()
          Returns a value stating whether the model has some changes since the last change.
 void redo()
          This re-performs the last command executed by the model.
 void undo()
          This makes and undo of the last command executed by the model.

Method Detail


boolean hasChanges()
Returns a value stating whether the model has some changes since the last change.

True if the model has changes since the last change or false, if there are no changes.


void doSave()
Executes the save command in the model. This saves the changes since the last save persistently.

Throws: - thrown when the data could not be saved persistently. This should lead to a visual indication to the user.


void doUpdate()

Instructs the model to do an update of its data. Many EodispModels are just intermediated models for view components and do not hold the actual data. The actual data is usually retrieved and maintained by a persistency framework. Thus, if the real data has been changed, a model can be informed of this updated and it can be instructed to reload the data.

This should in most cases lead to an update of the visual component representing the data as well.


void undo()
This makes and undo of the last command executed by the model. How an undo is implemented depends on the model. This operation might not be available on all models. Models not supporting undo should ignore such a request.


void redo()
This re-performs the last command executed by the model. How a redo is implemented depends on the model. This operation might not be available on all models. Models not supporting redo should ignore such a request.