AddSingleLineAtBeginAndEnd Aspect
[BlockTests Group]

This aspect is defined in file: ../../AspectXTestSuite/blocks/BlockWeavingTests/aspects/

Aspect Description

This aspect tests block_begin_codeFragment and block_begin_codeFragment weaving rules by inserting one line comment at the beginning and another one line comment at the end of a block. Thus the block in the base code will be surrounded by inserted comments. This aspect is an alternative to AddSingleLineAtAround.
I. Birrer
See also:



 Adds a single line comment at the end of a block
 Adds a single line comment at the beginning of a block

Pointcut Documentation

Advice Documentation

end addSingleLineAtEnd (source)

Triplet: block end codeFragment

Adds a single line comment at the end of a block.

Local Pointcut: block (source)

begin addSingleLineAtBegin (source)

Triplet: block begin codeFragment

Adds a single line comment at the beginning of a block.

Local Pointcut: block (source)