

AspectX Weaver
axw.xsl 138 2005-07-27 09:14:07Z ibirrer
2004, P&P Software GmbH

Parameters Summary

The default indentation that should be used for the weaving process
If set to true, intermediate woven results are saved in the temp directory

Variables Summary

No short description available

Match Templates Summary

Deciding if a file should be woven or not.
* (param: indentmode: indentElement) - source
No short description available
text()[contains(.,' ')] (param: indentmode: indentElement) - source
No short description available
* (mode: weaving) - source
Default template for not annotated code.
*[ax:advice] (mode: weaving) - source
Default template for annotated code
ax:advice (mode: weaving) - source
Default template for advices.
comment() (mode: weaving) - source
This template ensures that all XML comments are deleted

Named Templates Summary

addAtBeginOfBlock (param: node-set blocknode-set advice) - source
This template takes a block and adds the text given in the beginning of this block
addAtEndOfBlock (param: node-set blockadvice) - source
This template takes a block and adds the text given at the end of this block
addElementsAtBeginOfBlock (param: node-set blockelementsindent) - source
This template takes a block and adds the text given in the beginning of this block
addElementsAtEndOfBlock (param: node-set blockelementsindent) - source
This template takes a block and adds the text given at the end of this block
weaveFile (param: node-set file) - source
Weaves a srmML file.

Functions Summary

xw:getCodeModifierContent (param: node-set codeModifiers) - source
Returns the string containing all text() nodes from the given sequence of codeModifiers
xw:indentElement (param: string elementstring indent) - source
Adds indentation to an element

Parameters Detail

The default indentation that should be used for the weaving process
Use 	 for tabs,   for spaces.
If set to true, intermediate woven results are saved in the temp directory

Variables Detail

No short description available

Match Templates Detail

Deciding if a file should be woven or not.
* (param: indentmode: indentElement) - source
No short description available
indent -
text()[contains(.,' ')] (param: indentmode: indentElement) - source
No short description available
indent -
* (mode: weaving) - source
Default template for not annotated code.
*[ax:advice] (mode: weaving) - source
Default template for annotated code
If no weaver rule is defined for any annotated srcML, this template is called, aborts the program and outputs an error message.
ax:advice (mode: weaving) - source
Default template for advices.
comment() (mode: weaving) - source
This template ensures that all XML comments are deleted

Named Templates Detail

addAtBeginOfBlock (param: node-set blocknode-set advice) - source
This template takes a block and adds the text given in the beginning of this block
node-set block - The block to add the text to
node-set advice - The advice to be woven
addAtEndOfBlock (param: node-set blockadvice) - source
This template takes a block and adds the text given at the end of this block
node-set block - The block to add the text to
advice -
addElementsAtBeginOfBlock (param: node-set blockelementsindent) - source
This template takes a block and adds the text given in the beginning of this block
node-set block - The block to add the text to
elements -
indent -
addElementsAtEndOfBlock (param: node-set blockelementsindent) - source
This template takes a block and adds the text given at the end of this block
node-set block - The block to add the text to
elements -
indent -
weaveFile (param: node-set file) - source
Weaves a srmML file.
node-set file - A srcML file.

Functions Detail

xw:getCodeModifierContent (param: node-set codeModifiers) - source
Returns the string containing all text() nodes from the given sequence of codeModifiers
The markup with codeModifier and text elements is transformed to newlines.
node-set codeModifiers - Sequence of codeModifier elements
xw:indentElement (param: string elementstring indent) - source
Adds indentation to an element
string element - The text the indentation should be added to.
string indent - String that is used for indentation.