Functions/Templates List


weaveFile (param: node-set file) - source
Weaves a srmML file.
addAtBeginOfBlock (param: node-set blocknode-set advice) - source
This template takes a block and adds the text given in the beginning of this block
addElementsAtEndOfBlock (param: node-set blockelementsindent) - source
This template takes a block and adds the text given at the end of this block
addElementsAtBeginOfBlock (param: node-set blockelementsindent) - source
This template takes a block and adds the text given in the beginning of this block
addAtEndOfBlock (param: node-set blockadvice) - source
This template takes a block and adds the text given at the end of this block
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No short description available
GenerateAspectEntryPage (param: Database) - source
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No short description available
GeneratePointcutEntryPage (param: Database) - source
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GenerateAdviceEntryPage (param: Database) - source
No short description available
GenerateFileEntryPage (param: Database) - source
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GenerateAlphabeticalList (param: Database) - source
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GenerateBanner (param: index) - source
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GenerateAspectPage (param: DatabaseaspectNameconfigDoc) - source
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GenerateGroupPage (param: groupNameDatabaseconfigDoc) - source
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find-last-line (param: text) - source
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No short description available
No short description available
html-replace-entities (param: textattrs) - source
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replace-substring (param: valuefromto) - source
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preformatted-output (param: text) - source
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output-nl (param: text) - source
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util:getFolder (param: xs:string uri) - source
Extracts the folder part of an URI
util:getFile (param: xs:string uri) - source
Extracts the filename of an URI
util:getSharedPath (param: xs:string folder1xs:string folder2) - source
Get the shared path of two folders
util:pathToUri (param: xs:string path) - source
Transforms a filesystem path to a URI.
util:normalizeUri (param: xs:string uri) - source
Replaces triple slashes '///' by a single slash
xs:boolean util:isAbsolutePath (param: xs:string path) - source
Tests if a the given path describes an absolute path
util:normalizeFolder (param: xs:string uri) - source
If the uri does not end with a slash, a slash is added at the end.
util:getRelativeUri (param: xs:string fromxs:string to) - source
Returns the relative link of a given folder resolved to another folder
util:getRelativeUriFiles (param: xs:string fromxs:string toxs:boolean reverse) - source
Builds realive link between to files
util:substringAfterLast (param: texttoken) - source
Returns the string after the last occurence of a given character
util:fileSuffixToHtml (param: fileUri) - source
element() util:appendElement (param: element() containerelement() element) - source
Appends an element to another element
util:repeatString (param: string textint count) - source
Repeats a string several times
util:stripXML (param: nodes) - source
Strips all xml elements and comments from a set of nodes and returns only the text nodes
util:xmlToString (param: item()* xml) - source
Transforms an XML structure to a plain string
item()* util:xmlToHtml (param: item()* xml) - source
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util:getIndent (param: item() element) - source
Returns the indentation of any xml element
util:removeTextIndent (param: string text) - source
Removes all indentation from each line of a text
util:removeTextIndent (param: string textstring indent) - source
Removes specific indentation from each line of a text
util:indentText (param: string textstring indent) - source
Adds indentation to each line of a text
util:indentText (param: string textstring indentboolean indentFirstLine) - source
Adds indentation to each line of a text
xw:getCodeModifierContent (param: node-set codeModifiers) - source
Returns the string containing all text() nodes from the given sequence of codeModifiers
xw:indentElement (param: string elementstring indent) - source
Adds indentation to an element
util:performanceLog (param: xs:string name) - source
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util:performanceLogTitle (param: xs:string title) - source
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