Package org.eodisp.core.common

Common interfaces and classes needed by all core applications.


Interface Summary
MmCoreService The local interface for the core services of the model manager application.
ModelManagerRemote The remote interface of the model manager.
ReposModelService This is the service that can be used to access data store in the model repository.
SmCoreService The local interface for the core services of the simulation manager application.
SmModelService The service that can be used to query the project model of the simulation manager application.

Class Summary
FederateProcessHandle An immutable handle that identifies a running federate on the model manager.

Exception Summary
FederateNotKnownException Thrown to indicate that a federate specified by a federateId (UUID) is not known.
FederateStartException Thrown to indicate that a Federate could not be started on the model manager.
InitDataException Thrown to indicate that some given init data could not be parsed.
SomNotKnownException Thrown to indicate that a SOM file could not be found on the repository.

Package org.eodisp.core.common Description

Common interfaces and classes needed by all core applications.