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Constants.h File Reference

Detailed Description

This file defines all the constants used in the operational classes of the OBS Framework.

Constants are defined using the const construct provided by the C++ language. They are not defined using the #define construct of the C language. Constants used in the test classes are defined in a dedicated header file (TestConstants).

Among others, this file also defines the constats representing the PUS types and subtypes.

Definition in file Constants.h.

Go to the source code of this file.


const bool CONFIGURED = true
 Constant used to signify "object or system correctly configured".

const bool NOT_CONFIGURED = false
 Constant used to signify "object or system not configured".

const bool DISABLED = false
 Constant used to signify "disabled".

const bool ENABLED = true
 Constant used to signify "enabled".

const bool NOT_VALID = false
 Constant used to signify "not valid".

const bool VALID = true
 Constant used to signify "valid".

const bool NOT_CRITICAL = false
 Constant used to signify "not critical".

const bool CRITICAL = true
 Constant used to signify "critical".

const bool NOT_ARMED = false
 Constant used to signify "telecommand not armed".

const bool ARMED = true
 Constant used to signify "telecommand armed".

const bool NOT_HEALTHY = false
 Constant used to signify "not healthy".

const bool HEALTHY = true
 Constant used to signify "healthy".

const bool IN_USE = true
 Constant used to signify "component is in use".

const bool NOT_IN_USE = false
 Constant used to signify "component is not in use".

const bool TC_CAN_EXECUTE = true
 Constant used to signify "telecommand can execute".

const bool TC_CANNOT_EXECUTE = false
 Constant used to signify "telecommand cannot execute".

const bool MAN_CAN_START = true
 Constant used to signify "manoeuvre can start".

const bool MAN_CANNOT_START = false
 Constant used to signify "manoeuvre cannot start".

const bool MAN_CAN_CONTINUE = true
 Constant used to signify "manoeuvre can continue".

const bool MAN_CANNOT_CONTINUE = false
 Constant used to signify "manoeuvre cannot continue".

const bool MAN_HAS_TERMINATED = true
 Constant used to signify "manoeuvre has terminated execution".

const bool MAN_HAS_NOT_TERMINATED = false
 Constant used to signify "manoeuvre has not yet terminated execution".

const bool MAN_IN_USE = true
 Constant used to signify "manoeuvre is in use".

const bool MAN_NOT_IN_USE = false
 Constant used to signify "manoeuvre is not in use".

const bool MAN_EXECUTING = true
 Constant used to signify "manoeuvre is executing".

const bool MAN_NOT_EXECUTING = false
 Constant used to signify "manoeuvre is not executing".

const bool MAN_SUSPENDED = true
 Constant used to signify "manoeuvre is suspended".

const bool MAN_NOT_SUSPENDED = false
 Constant used to signify "manoeuvre is not suspended".

const bool MON_PROFILE_DEVIATION = true
 Constant used to signify "a monitoring profile has been detected".

const bool NO_MON_PROFILE_DEVIATION = false
 Constant used to signify "no monitoring profile has been detected".

const int PREVIOUS_VALUE_INIT = 9999
 The initialization value for variable previousValue in a stuck data monitoring profile.

const TD_InstanceId MAX_N_OBJECTS = 512
 Constant defining the maximum number of CC_RootObject instances that can be created in an application.

const int MAX_INT = 0x7FFFFFFF
 The largest integer that can be represented in two's complement notation using 32 bits.

 The largest unsigned integer that can be represented using 32 bits.

const bool PUS_DATA_REP_MODE = true
 Flag to deternmine whether the mode field should be included in telemetry data reporting packets (PUS service type 3, subtypes 25 and 26).

const TD_CheckCode VC_TOO_MANY_RAW_DATA = 1
 Validity check code returned by a PUS telecommand when the telecommand is found to be invalid because there are more raw data than can fit in the telecommand component.

 Validity check code returned by a PUS telecommand when the raw data loaded into a telecommand component are internally inconsistent.

const TD_CheckCode VC_TOO_MANY_MEM_BLOCK = 3
 Validity check code returned by a PUS memory block telecommand when the raw data contain too many memory blocks.

const TD_CheckCode VC_TOO_MANY_MEM_DATA = 4
 Validity check code returned by a PUS memory block telecommand when the raw data contain too many memory data.

const TD_CheckCode VC_TOO_MANY_SIDS = 5
 Validity check code returned by a PUS telecommand when the telecommand is found to be invalid because there are more SIDs than can fit in the telecommand component.

const int PUS_TYPE_TC_VER = 1
 The PUS service type for the telecommand verification service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_VER_ACC_SC = 1
 The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand acceptance report - success" in the telecommand verification service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_VER_ACC_FL = 2
 The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand acceptance report - failure" in the telecommand verification service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_EXE_STR_SC = 3
 The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand execution started report - success" in the telecommand verification service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_EXE_STR_FL = 4
 The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand execution started report - failure" in the telecommand verification service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_EXE_PRO_SC = 5
 The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand execution progress report - success" in the telecommand verification service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_EXE_PRO_FL = 6
 The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand execution progress report - failure" in the telecommand verification service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_EXE_END_SC = 7
 The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand execution completion report - success" in the telecommand verification service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_EXE_END_FL = 8
 The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand execution completion report - failure" in the telecommand verification service.

const int PUS_TYPE_DATA_REP = 3
 The PUS service type for the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_NEW_HK = 1
 The PUS service subtype for: "define new housekeeping parameter report" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_NEW_DG = 2
 The PUS service subtype for: "define new diagnostic parameter report" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_CLR_HK = 3
 The PUS service subtype for: "clear housekeeping parameter report definition" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_CLR_DG = 4
 The PUS service subtype for: "clear diagnostic parameter report definition" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_ENB_HK = 5
 The PUS service subtype for: "enable housekeeping parameter report generation" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_DIS_HK = 6
 The PUS service subtype for: "disable housekeeping parameter report generation" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_ENB_DG = 7
 The PUS service subtype for: "enable diagnostic parameter report generation" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_DIS_DG = 8
 The PUS service subtype for: "disable diagnostic parameter report generation" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_REP_HK = 9
 The PUS service subtype for: "report housekeeping parameter report definition" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_REP_HK_REP = 10
 The PUS service subtype for: "housekeeping parameter report definition report" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_REP_DG = 11
 The PUS service subtype for: "report diagnostic parameter report definition" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_REP_DG_REP = 12
 The PUS service subtype for: "diagnostic parameter report definition report" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_PER_HK = 17
 The PUS service subtype for: "select periodic housekeeping parameter report generation mode" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_PER_DG = 18
 The PUS service subtype for: "select periodic diagnostic parameter report generation mode" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_FIL_HK = 19
 The PUS service subtype for: "select filtered housekeeping parameter report generation mode" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_FIL_DG = 20
 The PUS service subtype for: "select filtered diagnostic parameter report generation mode" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_UNF_HK = 21
 The PUS service subtype for: "report unfiltered housekeeping parameters" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_UNF_DG = 22
 The PUS service subtype for: "report unfiltered diagnostic parameters" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_UNF_HK_REP = 23
 The PUS service subtype for: "unfiltered housekeeping parameters report" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_UNF_DG_REP = 24
 The PUS service subtype for: "unfiltered diagnostic parameters report" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_PAR_HK_REP = 25
 The PUS service subtype for: "housekeeping parameters report" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_ST_DATA_REP_PAR_DG_REP = 26
 The PUS service subtype for: "diagnostic parameters report" in the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

const int PUS_TYPE_TC_FNC = 8
 The PUS service type for the telecommand function management service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_FNC_PER = 1
 The PUS service subtype for the "perform function" service in the telecommand function management service.

const int PUS_TYPE_MEM = 6
 The PUS service type for the telecommand memory management service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_MEM_OFF = 1
 The PUS service subtype for the "memory load with base plus offset" service in the telecommand memory management service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_MEM_ABS = 2
 The PUS service subtype for the "memory load with absolute addresses" service in the telecommand memory management service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_DMP_OFF = 3
 The PUS service subtype for the "memory dump with base plus offset" service in the telecommand memory management service.

const int PUS_ST_TM_DMP_OFF = 4
 The PUS service subtype for the "memory dump with base plus offset" service in the telemetry memory management service.

const int PUS_ST_TC_DMP_ABS = 5
 The PUS service subtype for the "memory dump with absolute addresses" service in the telecommand memory management service.

const int PUS_ST_TM_DMP_ABS = 6
 The PUS service subtype for the "memory dump with absolute addresses" service in the telemetry memory management service.

const int PUS_TYPE_TEST = 127
 The PUS service type for the test PUS telecommands.

const int PUS_ST_TC_TEST = 1
 The PUS service subtype for the test PUS telecommands.

Variable Documentation

const bool CONFIGURED = true

Constant used to signify "object or system correctly configured".

This is normally used as the return value of a system or object configuration check.

Definition at line 35 of file Constants.h.

const bool IN_USE = true

Constant used to signify "component is in use".

See also:



Definition at line 100 of file Constants.h.

const bool MAN_CAN_CONTINUE = true

Constant used to signify "manoeuvre can continue".

See also:

Definition at line 139 of file Constants.h.

const bool MAN_CAN_START = true

Constant used to signify "manoeuvre can start".

See also:

Definition at line 127 of file Constants.h.

const bool MAN_CANNOT_CONTINUE = false

Constant used to signify "manoeuvre cannot continue".

See also:

Definition at line 145 of file Constants.h.

const bool MAN_CANNOT_START = false

Constant used to signify "manoeuvre cannot start".

See also:

Definition at line 133 of file Constants.h.

const bool MAN_EXECUTING = true

Constant used to signify "manoeuvre is executing".

See also:

Definition at line 175 of file Constants.h.

const bool MAN_HAS_NOT_TERMINATED = false

Constant used to signify "manoeuvre has not yet terminated execution".

See also:

Definition at line 157 of file Constants.h.

const bool MAN_HAS_TERMINATED = true

Constant used to signify "manoeuvre has terminated execution".

See also:

Definition at line 151 of file Constants.h.

const bool MAN_IN_USE = true

Constant used to signify "manoeuvre is in use".

See also:

Definition at line 163 of file Constants.h.

const bool MAN_NOT_EXECUTING = false

Constant used to signify "manoeuvre is not executing".

See also:

Definition at line 181 of file Constants.h.

const bool MAN_NOT_IN_USE = false

Constant used to signify "manoeuvre is not in use".

See also:

Definition at line 169 of file Constants.h.

const bool MAN_NOT_SUSPENDED = false

Constant used to signify "manoeuvre is not suspended".

See also:

Definition at line 193 of file Constants.h.

const bool MAN_SUSPENDED = true

Constant used to signify "manoeuvre is suspended".

See also:

Definition at line 187 of file Constants.h.

const TD_InstanceId MAX_N_OBJECTS = 512

Constant defining the maximum number of CC_RootObject instances that can be created in an application.

This constant is used to initialize the size of the system list data structure in class CC_RootObject.

See also:

Definition at line 222 of file Constants.h.

const bool MON_PROFILE_DEVIATION = true

Constant used to signify "a monitoring profile has been detected".

See also:

Definition at line 200 of file Constants.h.

const bool NO_MON_PROFILE_DEVIATION = false

Constant used to signify "no monitoring profile has been detected".

See also:

Definition at line 206 of file Constants.h.

const bool NOT_CONFIGURED = false

Constant used to signify "object or system not configured".

This is normally used as the return value of a system or object configuration check.

Definition at line 42 of file Constants.h.

const bool NOT_IN_USE = false

Constant used to signify "component is not in use".

See also:



Definition at line 108 of file Constants.h.

const int PREVIOUS_VALUE_INIT = 9999

The initialization value for variable previousValue in a stuck data monitoring profile.

See also:

Definition at line 213 of file Constants.h.

const bool PUS_DATA_REP_MODE = true

Flag to deternmine whether the mode field should be included in telemetry data reporting packets (PUS service type 3, subtypes 25 and 26).

If the flag is true, then the mode field is included, otherwise it is omitted.

See also:

Definition at line 241 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_DMP_ABS = 5

The PUS service subtype for the "memory dump with absolute addresses" service in the telecommand memory management service.

See also:

Definition at line 540 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_DMP_OFF = 3

The PUS service subtype for the "memory dump with base plus offset" service in the telecommand memory management service.

See also:

Definition at line 526 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_EXE_END_FL = 8

The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand execution completion report - failure" in the telecommand verification service.

See also:

Definition at line 344 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_EXE_END_SC = 7

The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand execution completion report - success" in the telecommand verification service.

See also:

Definition at line 337 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_EXE_PRO_FL = 6

The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand execution progress report - failure" in the telecommand verification service.

See also:

Definition at line 330 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_EXE_PRO_SC = 5

The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand execution progress report - success" in the telecommand verification service.

See also:

Definition at line 323 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_EXE_STR_FL = 4

The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand execution started report - failure" in the telecommand verification service.

See also:

Definition at line 316 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_EXE_STR_SC = 3

The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand execution started report - success" in the telecommand verification service.

See also:

Definition at line 309 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_FNC_PER = 1

The PUS service subtype for the "perform function" service in the telecommand function management service.

See also:

Definition at line 498 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_MEM_ABS = 2

The PUS service subtype for the "memory load with absolute addresses" service in the telecommand memory management service.

See also:

Definition at line 519 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_MEM_OFF = 1

The PUS service subtype for the "memory load with base plus offset" service in the telecommand memory management service.

See also:

Definition at line 512 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_TEST = 1

The PUS service subtype for the test PUS telecommands.

See also:

Definition at line 560 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_VER_ACC_FL = 2

The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand acceptance report - failure" in the telecommand verification service.

See also:

Definition at line 302 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TC_VER_ACC_SC = 1

The PUS service subtype for the "telecommand acceptance report - success" in the telecommand verification service.

See also:

Definition at line 295 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TM_DMP_ABS = 6

The PUS service subtype for the "memory dump with absolute addresses" service in the telemetry memory management service.

See also:

Definition at line 547 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_ST_TM_DMP_OFF = 4

The PUS service subtype for the "memory dump with base plus offset" service in the telemetry memory management service.

See also:

Definition at line 533 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_TYPE_DATA_REP = 3

The PUS service type for the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting service.

See also:

Definition at line 352 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_TYPE_MEM = 6

The PUS service type for the telecommand memory management service.

See also:

Definition at line 505 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_TYPE_TC_FNC = 8

The PUS service type for the telecommand function management service.

See also:

Definition at line 491 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_TYPE_TC_VER = 1

The PUS service type for the telecommand verification service.

See also:

Definition at line 288 of file Constants.h.

const int PUS_TYPE_TEST = 127

The PUS service type for the test PUS telecommands.

See also:

Definition at line 554 of file Constants.h.

const bool TC_CAN_EXECUTE = true

Constant used to signify "telecommand can execute".

See also:

Definition at line 114 of file Constants.h.

const bool TC_CANNOT_EXECUTE = false

Constant used to signify "telecommand cannot execute".

See also:

Definition at line 120 of file Constants.h.


Validity check code returned by a PUS telecommand when the raw data loaded into a telecommand component are internally inconsistent.

See also:

Definition at line 257 of file Constants.h.

const TD_CheckCode VC_TOO_MANY_MEM_BLOCK = 3

Validity check code returned by a PUS memory block telecommand when the raw data contain too many memory blocks.

See also:


Definition at line 265 of file Constants.h.

const TD_CheckCode VC_TOO_MANY_MEM_DATA = 4

Validity check code returned by a PUS memory block telecommand when the raw data contain too many memory data.

See also:


Definition at line 273 of file Constants.h.

const TD_CheckCode VC_TOO_MANY_RAW_DATA = 1

Validity check code returned by a PUS telecommand when the telecommand is found to be invalid because there are more raw data than can fit in the telecommand component.

See also:

Definition at line 250 of file Constants.h.

const TD_CheckCode VC_TOO_MANY_SIDS = 5

Validity check code returned by a PUS telecommand when the telecommand is found to be invalid because there are more SIDs than can fit in the telecommand component.

See also:

Definition at line 281 of file Constants.h.

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