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OBS Framework Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CC_ComponentFactoryApplication component factory
CC_FSMThis class encapsulates a finite state machine or FSM
CC_IntStackStack-like container class for items of type: int
CC_ManoeuvreFactoryDynamic factory for components of type: Manoeuvre
CC_ManoeuvreManagerThis class encapsulates a manoeuvre manager
CC_PunctualActionManagerThis class encapsulates a punctual action manager
CC_RootObjectBase class from which most framework classes are - directly or indirectly - derived
CC_RootObjectStackStack-like container class for items of type: CC_RootObject*
CC_TelecommandFactoryDynamic factory for components of type: Telecommand
CC_TelecommandManagerThis class encapsulates a telecommand manager
CC_TelemetryManagerThis class encapsulates a telemetry manager
CC_TelemetryPacketFactoryDynamic factory for components of type: TelemetryPacket
ConditionalPunctualActionPunctual action that performs an execution check
ControlBlockBase class from which all control block classes are derived
CopyControlBlockBase class for copy control blocks
CriticalTelecommandBase class for telecommands with a potentially high criticality level
DataItemControlBlockBase class for data item control blocks
DataPoolBase class from which all data pool classes are derived
DataPoolControlBlockBase class for data pool control blocks
DC_AfsFsmStateSample application class
DC_BasicDatabaseDefault component implementing a basic parameter database
DC_BasicDataPoolDefault component implementing a data pool with basic functionality
DC_BasicPUSTcLoaderTelecommand loader for PUS telecommands that implements only basic functionalities and checks
DC_BasicPUSTmStreamTelemetry stream that packetizes the telemetry data according to the PUS and writes them to a telemetry write area
DC_BasicReconfigurerReconfiguration manager that implements a basic reconfiguration policy independent of any reconfiguration functionality
DC_ByteArrayTelemetryStreamTelemetry stream that writes the telemetry data to an array of bytes (the byte array)
DC_ControlActionEncapsulation of the conditional propagation of a control block
DC_ControlListEncapsulation of list of control blocks
DC_CycleDataItem16TmStreamTelemetry stream that writes the content of a telemetry packet to a set of 16-bit words encapsulated in data items
DC_CyclingPunctualActionModeManagerPunctual action mode manager that cycles through the lists of punctual actions
DC_CyclingTelemetryModeManagerTelemetry mode manager that cycles through the lists of telemetry packets
DC_DataItemThis class encapsulates a data item
DC_DataItem16TmWordTelemetry item encapsulating a 16-bit integer accessed through a raw data item
DC_DataPoolMonitorComponent to perform a monitoring check on all items in the system data pool
DC_DeltaProfileDefault component implementing a "stuck data" monitoring profile
DC_DummyConditionalPunctualActionDummy conditional punctual action that does not perform any action and always returns "action successful"
DC_DummyConfigurableFsmStateDummy configurable FsmState useful for testing purposes
DC_DummyConfigurableManoeuvreDummy implementation of the Manoeuvre abstract class to be used for testing purposes
DC_DummyCopyControlBlockDummy control block useful for testing purposes
DC_DummyCriticalTelecommandDummy telecommand that increments a counter every time it is executed
DC_DummyDatabaseDefault component implementing a dummy parameter database
DC_DummyDataItemControlBlockDummy data item control block useful for testing purposes
DC_DummyDataPoolDefault component implementing a dummy data pool
DC_DummyDataPoolControlBlockDummy data pool control block useful for testing purposes
DC_DummyFsmStateDummy FsmState useful for testing purposes and to represent FsmStates to which no actions and no checks are associated
DC_DummyManoeuvreDummy implementation of the Manoeuvre abstract class to be used for testing purposes
DC_DummyModeManagerDummy mode manager to be used for testing purposes
DC_DummyObsClockDummy OBS Clock component useful for testing purposes or for applications where timing information is not available
DC_DummyPointerControlBlockDummy pointer control block useful for testing purposes
DC_DummyPunctualActionDummy punctual action that does not perform any action and always returns "action successful"
DC_DummyPUSTelecommandDummy PUS telecommand that increments a counter every time it is executed
DC_DummyPUSTelemetryPacketDummy implementation of the PUSTelemetryPacket class useful for testing purposes
DC_DummyRecoveryActionRecovery action that performs no action and returns a configurable outcome (see setActionOutcome())
DC_DummyTelecommandDummy telecommand that increments a counter every time it is executed
DC_DummyTelecommandLoaderDummy telecommand loader that is useful for testing purposes
DC_DummyTelemetryPacketDummy implementation of the TelemetryPacket interface useful for testing purposes
DC_DummyTelemetryStreamDummy implementation of the TelemetryStream interface useful for testing purposes
DC_DummyTracerImplementation of a dummy tracer that does not forward trace signals to any external test set up
DC_EventBase class from which all event classes are derived
DC_EventRepositoryBase class from which all event repository classes are derived
DC_FdirCheckEncapsulation of a failure detection and isolation check and of its associated recovery action
DC_FileTelemetryStreamFile-oriented telemetry stream
DC_ForbiddenValueProfileDefault component implementing a forbidden value monitoring profile
DC_FromFsmEventDefault component encapsulating an FsmEvent that requests a transition in the target FSM between two states
DC_FsmEventBase class from which all FsmEvents are derived
DC_InRangeProfileDefault component implementing an "in range" monitoring profile
DC_ManoeuvrePunctualActionPunctual action that launches a manoeuvre
DC_MatlabCopyPIDMatlab Wrapper for a PID Control Block
DC_MatlabDataItemPIDMatlab Wrapper for a PID Control Block
DC_MatlabDataPoolPIDMatlab Wrapper for a PID Control Block
DC_MatlabPointerPIDMatlab Wrapper for a PID Control Block
DC_NestedFsmActivatorFsmState that activates an FSM
DC_NestedFsmActivatorWithEndStateFsmState that activates an FSM
DC_NestedFsmActivatorWithExitCheckFsmState that activates an FSM
DC_NullProfileDefault component implementing a "null monitoring profile"
DC_NullRecoveryActionRecovery action that performs no action
DC_OCM_FsmStateSample FsmState application class
DC_OutOfRangeProfileDefault component implementing an "out of range" monitoring profile
DC_ProfileListMonitoring profile that encapsulates a list of monitoring profiles
DC_PUSClearDataReportingPUS telecommand to clear one or more housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting telemetry packets
DC_PUSControlDataReportingPUS telecommand to enable and disable the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting telemetry packets
DC_PUSDataReportingPacketPUS telemetry data reporting packet with no filtering
DC_PUSDefineDataReportingPUS telecommand to define the housekeeping and diagnostic data reporting telemetry packets
DC_PUSDumpMemoryAbsolutePUS telecommand to set up a memory dump with absolute addresses
DC_PUSDumpMemoryOffsetPUS telecommand to set up a memory dump with base plus offset
DC_PUSEventRepositoryEvent repository for PUS applications
DC_PUSMemoryDumpAbsolutePUS telemetry packet implementing the memory dump service using absolute addresses (type 6, subtype 6)
DC_PUSMemoryDumpOffsetPUS telemetry packet implementing the memory dump service using base plus offset (type 6, subtype 4)
DC_PUSMemoryLoadAbsoluteClass implementing the PUS service to load memory using absolute addresses (PUS service type 6, subtype 2)
DC_PUSMemoryLoadOffsetClass implementing the PUS service to load memory using base plus offset (PUS service type 6, subtype 1)
DC_PUSTcVerificationPacketPUS telemetry packet implementing the telecommand verification service
DC_PUSTelemetryModeManagerPUS telemetry mode manager
DC_PUSTmLoggerTelemetry logger stream that logs all telemetry packets in an internal data structure and offers methods to inspect their content
DC_RawDataItemThis class encapsulates a raw data item
DC_SampleControlBlock_1Sample control block number 1
DC_SampleControlBlock_2Sample control block number 2
DC_SampleControlBlock_3Sample control block number 3
DC_SampleControlBlock_4Sample control block number 4
DC_SampleFullDataPoolSample data pool with full functionality.
DC_SampleMonitoredDataPoolSample data pool with full functionality.
DC_SampleMonitoringProfileSample application-specific monitoring profile
DC_SampleR1DatabaseA sample database with the lowest level of robustness against illegal accesses to database parameters
DC_SampleR2DatabaseA sample database with intermediate level of robustness against illegal accesses to database parameters
DC_SampleR3DatabaseA sample database with the high level of robustness against illegal accesses to database parameters
DC_SampleRecoveryActionSample application-specific recovery action
DC_SBY_PostSepFsmStateSample FsmState application class
DC_SBY_PreSepFsmStateSample FsmState application class
DC_SCM_FsmStateSample FsmState application class
DC_SettableDataItemThis class encapsulates a settable data item
DC_SimpleChangeProfileDefault component implementing a simple change monitoring profile
DC_SimplePunctualActionModeManagerPunctual action mode manager with a single and fixed mode
DC_SimpleTelemetryModeManagerTelemetry list mode manager with a single and fixed mode
DC_SM_PreSepFsmStateSample FsmState application class
DC_StuckDataProfileDefault component implementing a "stuck data" monitoring profile
DC_TestPUSConfigurableManoeuvreTest implementation of the PUSManoeuvre abstract class to be used for testing purposes
DC_TestPUSTelecommandTelecommand that can be used as part of an end-to-end PUS test scenario to simulate a PUS telecommand
DC_TestTracerImplementation of a test tracer that sends the trace signals to a log file
DC_UnstableFsmStateFsmState that takes no action and exits immediately
FsmStateBase class from which all FsmState classes are derived
ManoeuvreBase class from which all manoeuvre classes are derived
ModeManagerBase class from which all classes encapsulating mode managers are derived
MonitoringProfileBase class from which all monitoring profile classes are derived
ObsClockAbstract class representing the interface to an OBS Clock Component that can provide timing-related information and services to the application
ParameterDatabaseBase class from which all parameter database classes are derived
PointerControlBlockBase class for pointer control blocks
PunctualActionBase class from which all classes encapsulating punctual actions are derived
PunctualActionListModeManagerBase abstract class for list-based punctual action mode managers
PunctualActionModeManagerBase abstract class for mode manager components for the punctual action manager
PUSDumpMemoryBase class for PUS telecommands to set up a memory dump either with base plus offset or absolute address
PUSFunctionManagementPUS telecommand to implementing the PUS function management service (PUS service number 8)
PUSMemoryDumpBase class from which the classes implementing the memory dump telemetry packets (PUS service type 6, subtypes 4 and 6) can be derived
PUSMemoryDump::MemBlockTypeThis structure describes one memory dump block
PUSMemoryLoadBase class for telecommands implementing the PUS memory load service requests (PUS service type 6)
PUSMemoryLoad::MemBlockTypeThis structure describes one memory load block
PUSTcManoeuvreBase class for classes encapsulating a PUS telecommand manoeuvre
PUSTelecommandBase class from which all PUS telecommand classes are derived
PUSTelemetryPacketBase class from which all PUS telemetry packet classes are derived
RangeProfileBase class for monitoring profile components that build a monitoring check as a function of a range interval
RecoveryActionPunctual action that performs a recovery action
StructuredTelemetryPacketSpecialization of the TelemetryPacket abstract class that defines a default data structure where the telemetry data can be held
TelecommandBase class from which all telecommand classes are derived
TelecommandLoaderBase class from which all telecommand loaders are derived
TelemetryListModeManagerBase abstract class for list-based telemetry mode managers
TelemetryModeManagerBase abstract class for mode manager components for the telemetry manager
TelemetryPacketBase class from which all telemetry packet classes are derived
TelemetryStreamBase class from which all telemetry stream classes are derived
TestCaseBase class from which all classes encapsulating a test case are derived
TestCaseBasicDatabase_1Verify the functionalities implemented by the DC_BasicDatabase component
TestCaseBasicDataPool_1Check the functionalities implemented by the DataPool class
TestCaseBasicPUSTcLoader_1Check the functionality of the DC_BasicPUSTcLoader class
TestCaseBasicPUSTmStream_1Check the functionality of the DC_BasicPUSTmStream class
TestCaseBasicReconfigurer_1Verify the services of the DC_BasicReconfigurer
TestCaseByteArrayTelemetryStream_1Verify the telemetry stream services as implemented by class DC_ByteArrayTelemetryStream
TestCaseChecksum_1Check the checksum functions provided in module Checksum
TestCaseControlAction_1Check the services offered by control actions
TestCaseControlList_1Verify the DC_ControlList class
TestCaseCycleDataItem16TmStream_1Verify the telemetry stream services as implemented by class DC_CycleDataItem16TmStream
TestCaseCyclingPunctualActionModeManager_1Verify the services implemented by class CyclingPunctualActionModeManager
TestCaseCyclingTelemetryModeManager_1Verify the services implemented by class CyclingTelemetryListModeManager
TestCaseDataItem16TmWord_1Verify the structured telemetry packet services as implemented by class DC_DataItem16TmWord
TestCaseDataItem_1Check the data set and get services for class DC_DataItem
TestCaseDataPoolMonitor_1Verify the services provided by the DC_DataPoolMonitor class
TestCaseDeltaProfile_1Check the functionality of the DeltaProfile class
TestCaseDummyConditionalPunctualAction_1Verify the services of conditional punctual actions
TestCaseDummyConfigurableManoeuvre_1Verify the services implemented by the DC_DummyConfigurableManoeuvre
TestCaseDummyCopyControlBlock_1Check the services implemented by the CopyControlBlock class
TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_1Verify the basic services offered by critical telecommands as implemented by the DC_DummyCriticalTelecommand class
TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2Check selected functionalities of critical telecommands
TestCaseDummyDatabase_1Check the functionalities implemented by the DC_DummyDatabase component
TestCaseDummyDataItemControlBlock_1Check the services implemented by the DataItemControlBlock class
TestCaseDummyDataPool_1Check the functionalities implemented by the DC_DummyDataPool class
TestCaseDummyDataPoolControlBlock_1Check the services implemented by the DataPoolControlBlock class
TestCaseDummyFsmState_1Verify the functionalities implemented by the DC_FsmEvent component
TestCaseDummyManoeuvre_1Verify the services implemented by the Manoeuvre class
TestCaseDummyModeManager_1Verify the configuration and mode management services implemented by class ModeManager
TestCaseDummyObsClock_1Verify the timing provision and object configuration services of class DC_DummyObsClock
TestCaseDummyPointerControlBlock_1Check the services implemented by the PointerControlBlock class
TestCaseDummyPunctualAction_1Verify the enable service and the event registration service of punctual actions
TestCaseDummyPUSTelecommand_1Check the functionalities implemented in the PUSTelecommand class
TestCaseDummyPUSTelemetryPacket_1Check the functionalities implemented by class PUSTelemetryPacket
TestCaseDummyTelecommand_1Verify the basic services offered by telecommands as implemented by the DC_DummyTelecommand class
TestCaseDummyTelecommandLoader_1Verify the services offered by the DC_DummyTelecommandLoader class
TestCaseDummyTelemetryPacket_1Verify the telemetry packet services as implemented by class DC_DummyTelemetryPacket
TestCaseDummyTelemetryStream_1Verify the telemetry stream services as implemented by class DC_DummyTelemetryStream
TestCaseDummyTracer_1Verify the functionality of the DC_DummyTracer component
TestCaseEvent_1Verify the attribute setting and object configuration services of class DC_Event
TestCaseEventRepository_1Verify the attribute default values and the object configuration service of class DC_EventRepository
TestCaseEventRepository_2Verify the event creation and retrieval service of class DC_EventRepository
TestCaseEventRepository_3Verify the enable and disable services of the DC_EventRepository class
TestCaseFdirCheck_1Verify the services of the DC_FdirCheck object
TestCaseFileTelemetryStream_1Verify the file-oriented telemetry stream as implemented by class DC_FileTelemetryStream
TestCaseFileTelemetryStream_2Verify the file-oriented telemetry stream as implemented by class DC_FileTelemetryStream
TestCaseForbiddenValueProfile_1Check the functionality of the DC_ForbiddenValueProfile class
TestCaseFromFsmEvent_1Verify the functionalities offered by the DC_FromFsmEvent class
TestCaseFSM_1Verify the initialization and configuration of the CC_FSM class
TestCaseFSM_2Verify the basic state transition operations of an FSM
TestCaseFSM_3Verify the state activation and autonomous transition operations of an FSM
TestCaseFsmEvent_1Verify the functionalities implemented by the DC_FsmEvent component
TestCaseGenericSetUpBase class for generic test cases
TestCaseInRangeProfile_1Check the functionalities implemented by the abstract class RangeProfile
TestCaseIntStack_1Check the functionality of the container class for items of type int
TestCaseManoeuvreManager_1Verify the services implemented by the CC_ManoeuvreManager class
TestCaseManoeuvreManager_2Verify the CC_ManoeuvreManager::activate() method
TestCaseManoeuvreManager_3Verify the suspend/resume operations on manoeuvres and the use of the activation step counter
TestCaseManoeuvrePunctualAction_1Verify the functionality implemented by the DC_ManoeuvrePunctualActionr class
TestCaseMatlabCopyPID_1Verify the services implemented by the DC_MatlabCopyPID class
TestCaseMatlabDataItemPID_1Verify the services implemented by the DC_MatlabDataItemPID class
TestCaseMatlabDataPoolPID_1Verify the services implemented by the DC_MatlabDataPoolPID class
TestCaseMatlabPointerPID_1Verify the services implemented by the DC_MatlabPointerPID class
TestCaseNestedFsmActivator_1Verify the services of conditional punctual actions
TestCaseNestedFsmActivatorWithEndState_1Verify the services of nested FSM states
TestCaseNestedFsmActivatorWithExitCheck_1Verify the services of nested FSM states
TestCaseNullProfile_1Check the functionalities implemented by DC_NullProfile
TestCaseOutOfRangeProfile_1Check the functionalities implemented by class DC_OutOfRangeProfile
TestCaseProfileList_1Verify the DC_ProfileList class
TestCasePunctualActionManager_1Verify the services offered by the punctual action manager as implemented by the CC_PunctualActionManager class
TestCasePUSClearDataReporting_1Check the functionality of the DC_PUSClearDataReporting
TestCasePUSControlDataReporting_1Check the functionality of the DC_PUSControlDataReporting class under nominal conditions
TestCasePUSDataReportingPacket_1Check the functionality of the DC_PUSDataReportingPacket class for the case of a packet that only contains parameters to be sampled once per collection interval
TestCasePUSDataReportingPacket_2Check the functionality of the DC_PUSDataReportingPacket class for the case of a packet that contains one single fixed-length array of oversampled parameters
TestCasePUSDataReportingPacket_3Check the functionality of the DC_PUSDataReportingPacket class for the case of a packet that contains one set of parameters sampled once per collection interval and two fixed-length arrays of oversampled parameters
TestCasePUSEventRepository_1Check the functionality of the DC_PUSEventRepository class
TestCasePUSFullBase class for test cases that implement a PUS-related scenario
TestCasePUSMemoryDumpOffset_1Check the functionality of the DC_PUSMemoryDumpOffset class
TestCasePUSMemoryLoadAbsolute_1Check the functionality of the DC_PUSMemoryLoadAbsolute class for the case where no checksum checks are performed
TestCasePUSMemoryLoadOffset_1Check the functionality of the DC_PUSMemoryLoadOffset class for the case where no checksum checks are performed
TestCasePUSMemoryLoadOffset_2Check the checksum-related functionalities of the DC_PUSMemoryLoadOffset class
TestCasePUSTelemetryModeManager_1Check the functionality of the DC_PUSTelemetryModeManager class
TestCaseRawDataItem_1Check the setter and getter services for class DC_RawDataItem
TestCaseRecoveryAction_1Verify the services of recovery actions
TestCaseRootObject_1Verify setting of instance ID's in class CC_RootObject
TestCaseRootObject_2Verify setting of class ID's in class CC_RootObject
TestCaseRootObject_3Check the object and system configuration check services
TestCaseRootObjectStack_1Check the functionality of the container class for items of type pointer to CC_RootObject*
TestCaseSampleFullDataPool_1Check the functionalities implemented by the DC_SampleFullDataPool component
TestCaseSampleMonitoredDataPool_1Check the functionalities implemented by the DC_SampleMonitoredDataPool component
TestCaseSampleR1Database_1Verify the functionalities implemented by the DC_SampleR1Database component
TestCaseSampleR2Database_1Verify the functionalities implemented by the DC_SampleR2Database component
TestCaseSampleR3Database_1Verify the functionalities implemented by the DC_SampleR3Database component
TestCaseSimpleChangeProfile_1Check the functionality of the MonitoringProfile abstract class as they are implemented in the SimpleChangeProfile concrete class
TestCaseSimplePunctualActionModeManager_1Verify the services implemented by class DC_SimplePunctualActionModeManager
TestCaseSimpleTelemetryModeManager_1Verify the services implemented by class DC_SimpleTelemetryModeManager
TestCaseStuckDataProfile_1Check the functionality of the StuckDataProfile class
TestCaseTelecommandManager_1Check the configuration process of a telecommand manager
TestCaseTelecommandManager_2Check the configuration the nominal telecommand execution process implemented by the telecommand manager
TestCaseTelecommandManager_3Check the non-nominal telecommand execution implemented by the telecommand manager
TestCaseTelemetryManager_1Check the configuration process of a telemetry manager
TestCaseTelemetryManager_2Check the activation process of a telemetry manager
TestCaseTestPUSConfigurableManoeuvre_1Verify the services implemented by the DC_TestPUSConfigurableManoeuvre
TestCaseTestTracer_1Verify the functionality of the DC_TestTracer component
TestCaseUnstableFsmState_1Verify the services of an unstable FSM state
TestCaseWithEvtCheckBase class for test cases that need to perform checks on the event repository associated to the CC_RootObject class
TestCaseWithFactoriesBase class for test cases that need to access the dynamic factories
TestSuiteCollection of test cases that are intended to be executed as a single unit
TracerBase class from which all tracer classes are derived
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