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TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2 Class Reference

#include <TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2.h>

Inheritance diagram for TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2:

TestCaseWithEvtCheck TestCaseGenericSetUp TestCase List of all members.

Detailed Description

Check selected functionalities of critical telecommands.

The check is performed on an instance of class DC_DummyCriticalTelecommand. The following functionalities are checked:<ol> canExecute() doAction() reset() doCriticalAction() getNumberOfExecutions() An instance of the DC_DummyCriticalTelecommand class is created and the following tests are performed:<ol> The object is initialized and its criticality level set to NOT_CRITICAL. It is verified that canExecute() returns true. execute() is called and it is verified that it returns ACTION_SUCCESS and that doCriticalAction() is called. The TC criticality level is set to CRITICAL, canExecute() is called and it is verified that it returns true. execute() is invoked and it is verified that it returns ACTION_SUCCESS, that the TC is armed, that timeWhenArmed is set to the current time and that an EVT_CRIT_TC_ARMED event is added to the repository. canExecute() is invoced once again. This time it shall fail and add an EVT_CRIT_TC_IMG_INV event to the repository (the TC image is not valid). The TC shall still be armed. reset() is called and it is verified that all the state variables are set to their initial values. pObsClock can not be accessed, however. The TC is re-initialized, re-armed (by calling execute) and the image validity flag is set to true. A this point it is verified that canExecute() returns true. execute() is invoked and it is verified that numberOfExecutions is incremented (meaning that doCriticalAction was invoked). It is also verified that the TC is no longer armed and that the "time when armed" is set to an invalid value. The TC is reset, initialized and re-armed. The image validity is set to true and the OBS clock is advanced to the end of the TC's armed duration interval. It is then verified that a call to canExecute() returns false and that an event of type EVT_CRIT_TC_TIMEOUT is added to the repository. The previous step is repeated with the only difference that now the image validity flag is set to false.

See also:


Roberto Totaro

Definition at line 61 of file TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2.h.

Public Member Functions

 TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2 (void)
 Set the identifier and the name of the test case to, respectively, ID_DUMMYCRITICALTELECOMMAND*10+2 and "TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2".

virtual void runTestCase (void)
 Execute the test case.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2::TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2 void   ) 

Set the identifier and the name of the test case to, respectively, ID_DUMMYCRITICALTELECOMMAND*10+2 and "TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2".

Definition at line 18 of file TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2::runTestCase void   )  [virtual]

Execute the test case.

See class comment for details.

Reimplemented from TestCaseGenericSetUp.

Definition at line 24 of file TestCaseDummyCriticalTelecommand_2.cpp.

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