
This page gives some basic information on how to use the XFeature tool. Note that use of the tool requires familiarity with the tool concept described in this technical note. Note also that installation information is provided separately in the download page.

Tool Start-Up

The XFeature feature model editor can be started either through a wizard or by opening an existing XFeature feature model file -- a file with extension *.xfm.

The former option applies if you already have your feature model and you want to continue editing it. Locate the *.xfm file you want to edit using the Eclipse Navigator view (if you do not see the Navigator view, go to menu Window | Show View | Navigator). Normally the *.xfm file extension is associated with XFeature editor only -- in this case it is just needed to double click the file. However some users may have the extension associated with other editors too. The safe way to open the file in the XFeature editor is to right-click the file, select "Open With", and "XFeature Feature Model Editor".

For a quick start you may want to experiment with the two sample models of software families provided with the standard XFeature delivery. In this case, create a simple Eclipse project by selecting File | New | Project, then select Simple and "Project", click "Next" and enter the project name (e.g. "SampleXFeatureModels"). Download the package of sample models and unzip it to the project folder. The two sample feature models shown in the demo below are IcsrControlSystem.xfm in ICSR_configuration_files/IcsrControlSystemExample folder and EShopFMP.xfm in FMP_configuration_files/EShopExample folder. Click here or the thumbnail below to see the demo.


A new feature model is created using a wizard. The wizard is accessible through menu File | New | Other. Expand item "Other", click "XFeature Feature Model" and the "Next" button. Follow the instructions of the wizard on the next two wizard pages. Select the file name and the location and name of the feature model. Browse your folders to locate the feature meta-model and display model. If you do not have a feature meta-model and a display model, consider using one our default configurations. There is a demo that shows the whole process step by step. Click here or the thumbnail below to see the animation.


Tool Configuration

The XFeature is a configurable tool. The tool configuration, and hence the tool behaviour, is defined by a set of configuration files. Some of these configuration files are intended to be user-defined. Taken together, they define:

  • The family meta-model (an XML Schema representing a feature meta-model)
  • The application meta-model generator (an XSL program that translates a feature model representing a family model into an XML Schema representing the feature meta-model for the application model)
  • The display model (an XML document that defines how each element in the family and application models should be displayed)
  • The application display model generator (an XSL program that translates a display model for a family into the display model for the applications instantiated from the family)

Note that the tool is delivered with four sets of default configuration files. These are described elsewhere.

Other configuration files are instead fixed (they might become user-defined in future releases of the XFeature tool) and users should use the default versions of the files that are delivered with the tool.

The table below lists all the configuration files for the XFeature tool. Filenames that contain the string "<name>" designate files that can be modified by the user and that have to be provided by the user (default configuration files serve as examples). Other filenames designate files that are provided with the tool and that are fixed and should not be modified by the users.

Filename Description
build.xml Ant build file that runs model verfication and/or application configuration files generation
xfbuild.xml Ant build file that runs model verfication and/or application configuration files generation; this file is automaticaly generated by from a project file <name>.xfp
<name>.xfp project file that contains the tool configuration; it is (together with the generated xfbuild.xml) an alternative to an older build.xml
<name>.xdm display model; XML file that defines how feature model is rendered by the tool
<name>.xfmm feature meta-model; XML file that defines structure of the feature models
<name>XdmGen.xsl application display model generator
<name>XfmmGen.xsl application feature meta-model generator
DisplayMetamodel.dmm XFeature display meta-model that defines the structure of display models
DisplayModelCompiler.xsl XSL program that generates validators of display model completeness
DisplayType.xsd XML Schema file that defines types of visual entities of XFeature tool
GlobalConstraintCompiler.xsl XSL program that generates validators of global constraints
GlobalConstraintsMetaModel.xsd XML Schema file that defines structure of global constraints definition files
MetaMetaModel.xfmmm XFeature meta-meta-model that defines structure of user-defined <name>.xfmm files
schematron-basic.xsl reference implementation of Schematron; generates XSL program to validate the feature meta-models
skeleton1-5.xsl reference implementation of Schematron; file is imported to schematron-basic.xsl
xfmRemoveUniqueNames.xsl XSL program that simplifies the feature model file before applying the global constraints check
XSD2Schtrn.xsl XSL program that extracts Schematron rules to validate feature meta-models

The user-defined configuration files should be validated. Valid configuration is guaranteed to work with the XFeature. Since both feature meta-model and feature display model are XML files, the XFeature tool provides XML Schema files that can be used to validate these two user-defined configuration files. Additionally the XFeature tool provides XSL program that checks that display model cover all displayable entities of the feature meta-model. The next table lists the files that should be validated and indicates for each how the validation should be performed:

Filename Validation
<name>.xdm Display model has to be validated twice. First, the display model has to be validated against theDisplayMetamodel.dmm. The DisplayMetamodel.dmm verifies the structure of the display model. Second, the display model has to define display properties for all displayable elements in the feature meta-model. This is verified in two steps: (a) the DisplayModelCompiler.xsl program is applied to the feature meta-model <name>.xfmm and the XSL program DisplayModelVerifier.xsl is generated. (b) The DisplayModelVerifier.xsl is applied to the user-defined display model <name>.xdm. Error is reported if there is a meta-model element that has no corresponding element in display model.
<name>.xfmm The feature meta-model has to be validated twice. First, the feature meta-model has to be validated against MetaMetaModel.xfmmm. The MetaMetaModel.xfmmm (XML Schema Definition file) verifies the structure of the feature meta-model. Second, several additional restrictions on a valid feature meta-model have to be checked. These restrictions are expressed as Schematron rules. These rules are processed in three steps: (a) the Schematron rules are extracted from MetaMetaModel.xfmmm by applying the XSL program XSD2Schtrn.xsl to it. (b) The Schematron rules are compiled to the schematron.validator.xsl XSL program by applying the schematron-basic.xsl XSL program. (c) The XSL program schematron.validator.xsl is applied to the feature meta-model. Error is reported if there is some of the schematron rules is violated. The whole procedure is discussed in detailhere.

The next table lists all file extensions that are relevant to the XFeature tool:

File Extension Explanation
dmm Display Meta-Model
dtd (W3C) Data Dype Definition
pos POSition file, auxiliary file created by XFeature tool to store the feature model layout
sch SCHematron schema definition (extracted from *.xfmmm)
txt TeXT file
xdm XFeature Display Model
xfm XFeature Model (feature model)
xfmm XFeature Meta-Model (feature meta-model)
xfmmm XFeature Meta-Meta-Model (feature meta-meta-model)
xgc XFeature Global Constraints Definition attached to a feature model
xgcc Global Constraint Checker (XSL file, generated from *.xgc file)
xml Ant build file (build.xml or xfbuild.xml) used to run model validation and application meta-model generation
xfp XFeature project file used to automaticaly generate the Ant build file xfbuild.xml
xsd (W3C) XML Schema Definition
xsl (W3C) eXtensible Stylesheet Language file

Model Editing

The following demo shows how a feature model can be edited. The FMP configuration is used in this example. Demo shows the following:

  1. File MyNewFeatureModel.xfm is opened (it is the same file that has been created in the previous demo).
  2. Outline view is opened, it is useful for alternative navigation in a feature model.
  3. Root feature of the feature model is created.
  4. Properties view is opened and used to change the name of the root feature.
  5. GroupNode (displayed as green dot) is added. This node is always attached to its parent. Its cardinality is set to 1..2.
  6. Two subfeatures of the GroupNode node are added (both are of type GroupedFeature). Note the semantics of their parent’s cardinality (1..2) -- it defines that at least one and at most two subfeatures make meaningful application. Thus the GroupNode defines constraint on legal combinations of its children.
  7. Another kind of feature is added -- SolitaryFeature. This one has no relation with GroupedFeature1 and GroupedFeature2.
  8. Property of the SolitaryFeature is added and edited.
  9. SolitaryFeature is defined to have an attribute of type integer. This is specified by two dot-shaped nodes – both attached to their parent. Two properties of the integer attribute are specified.
  10. Support of undo and redo is demonstrated.
  11. Zooming is demonstrated together with the graphical mode of the outline view.
  12. Feature model is saved and editor is closed.

From Family to Application Modelling: Scripting

This section describes how to perform the transition from the family level to application level. The transition process is demonstrated on a simple example of family of control systems. The FD configuration is used in this example and files referred to in this section can be found in src/FD_configuration_files/SimpleControlSystemExample.

First, the family feature model (SimpleControlSystem.xfm) has to be defined by the user. Structure and visual rendering of the feature model are defined by feature meta-model FD.xfmm and display model SimpleControlSystem.xdm (a local copy of FD.xdm). These two files are assigned to the family feature model when it is being created -- on the first page of the wizard.

Once the family model is defined it is possible to verify that it complies with its meta-model (in our case FD.xfmm) and generate the application meta-model and application display model. Both the verification and generation is provided by FD configuration files. In particular the build.xml file of the FD configuration provides target generate that manages the verification and generation. This target accepts five parameters:

  1. family model filename
  2. family display model filename
  3. application meta-model filename (name of file that will be generated)
  4. application display model (name of file that will be generated)
  5. location of directory for temporary files created during the transformation

The target generate is called from an Ant build file (build.xml) in the src/FD_configuration_files/SimpleControlSystemExample folder. When the default target of this build file is run it creates the application meta-model (SimpleControlSystemApp.xfmm) and application display model (SimpleControlSystemApp.xdm).

New application feature model can be created using wizard or existing feature model can be opened following the instructions at the top of this page. For an example of existing application feature model see SimpleControlSystemApp.xfm.

From Family to Application Modelling: The XFeature Way

The following demo shows how to perform the above described procedure within the XFeature tool. Using XFeature tool the user is decoupled from using build.xml Ant file. Instead he defines the tool configuration using so called Project Editor. The tool translate the project file to xfbuild.xml Ant file itself. The user runs the validate and generate tasks by clicking two dedicated buttons in the toolbar.

The demonstration has 11 steps:

  1. The project file is created using project wizard.
  2. The family model is created using feature model wizard.
  3. The family model is edited. At the end of editing it is validated against the FD meta-model by clicking the validate button in the toolbar. The validation output is printed to the console view.
  4. The application meta-model and display model are genererated by pressing the button in the toolbar.
  5. Project folder is refreshed. Meta-model and application display model for application feature models are located in the project directory.
  6. New application model is created. It is validated againt the appliacation meta-model and an error is reported. The error message says that the Feature2 element is missing.
  7. The application model is updated and validated again. Now it is valid.
  8. The family model is updated and the application-level meta-model and display model are regenerated.
  9. The application feature model is no more valid. An error is reported in the console view.
  10. The obsolele Feature1 is removed from the appliaction feature model. Thus the model is valid again.
  11. The application definition is serialized into XML file that can be further processed by other tools. It can be used as an input to a code generator, imported to a requirement capture tool or used to generate the application specification document.

Click here or the thumbnail below to see the animation.


Global Constraints

The following demo shows how to define global constraints for a family of control systems and how the instance of the family is checked agains the global constraints. The feature model used in this demo is one of the examples distributed with XFeature. It is located in src/ICSR_configuration_files/IcsrControlSystemExample.

Note that there as a whole section devoted to global constraints where both rationale, supported types of global constraints, and implementation details are dicussed.

Click here or the thumbnail below to see the animation.
