Telemeterable Design Pattern


Decouple the collection of the telemetry data to be provided by an object from their content and format.

Based On

This is pattern is derived from the telemetry management management pattern of the AOCS Framework.


Virtually all on-board systems generate telemetry data. The telemetry data are collected from the modules or components that make up the on-board applications and are then formatted in packets that are forwarded to the ground. The telemetry data supplied by a module or component represent a snapshot of its internal state. Often the same module or component should supply different information depending on the mission phase or on the OBS operational model.

The telemetry data collection service is usually organized around a telemetry manager module that uses the getter methods exposed by other modules to retrieve the data to be included in a telemetry packet. Thus, the information as to which data should be collected is usually centralized in the telemetry manager. This has three drawbacks:

This design pattern assumes a component-based system and addresses these drawbacks by:

Dictionary Entries

The following abstractions or domain-wide concepts are defined to support the implementation of this design pattern:


This design pattern is built around an abstract interface to represent the telemeterable abstraction: telemeterable components are components that implement the abstract interface Telemeterable. This interface defines the operations that a telemetry manager component needs in order to control the acquisition of telemetry data from the telemeterable component. The basic operation is getTelemetryImage that directs the component to return its telemetry image.

The structure of the design pattern is shown in the figure below. The client component that is responsible for assembling and forwarding the telemetry data holds a reference to a list of telemeterable components and, when it is activated, it goes through the list and asks each component in the list to supply its telemetry image. It is up to each telemeterable component to define which telemetry data it should provide. This insulates the client from the content and format of the telemetry data.

As already noted, the format of telemetry packets may vary during different mission phases. This may mean that the same component has to supply different sets of telemetry data at different times. This variation is modelled by endowing telemeterable components with a telemetry format. A telemeterable component may be able to supply 1 out of N possible telemetry images corresponding to different subsets of its internal state. The value of the telemetry format attribute defines which image is supplied in return to a call to getTelemetryImage. Interface Telemeterable accordingly defines operations to control the telemetry format.



The typical operational scenario for this design pattern is:



This design pattern is useful when:

Implementation Issues

How is the collection of the telemetry image to be implemented? One solution is to have iterator methods that return the telemetry image as a sequence of bytes:

    interface Telemeterable {
        byte getFirstTmByte();
        byte getNextTmByte();
        bool isLastByte();
        . . .
An alternative solution is that proposed by the telemetry management design pattern in the AOCS Framework where the telemeterable component is passed a pointer to the component representing the telemetry channel and is responsible for directly writing its telemetry image to the telemetry channel. See also the telemetry stream design pattern.

The physical channel to which the telemetry data must be written often has a fixed capacity. The telemetry manager therefore may need to check that the size of the telemetry size to be provided by a given telemeterable component is compatible with this capacity. It may therefore be useful to endow the Telemeterable interface with a method like getTelemetryImageSize that returns the size in bytes of the telemetry image to be generated by a component.

The concept proposed here imposes some constraints on the layout of the telemetry data. This is because the telemetry manager, which is responsible for assembling the telemetry data, does not know the meaning of the data it retrieves from the telemeterable objects: it collects the telemetry data as anonymous strings of bytes.

These constraints can be a problem when the layout of the telemetry data is specified as an application requirement. In such a case, an additional component is required to perform the translation from the on-board to the on-ground layout of the telemetry data.

In a framework perspective, the algorithm used to perform the translation from on-board to on-ground layout should be seen as a variation point and the translation component should become a plug-in component for the telemetry manager. One way in which this could be done is illustrated below by means of pseudo-code example.

The telemetry manager component is defined as follows:

    class TelemetryManager {
        Telemeterable* tmList[N];
        char* tmBuffer[M];
        TelemetryFormatter* tmFormatter;
        void ativate() {
        // Load the TM buffer with formatted TM data
        for (int i=1; i++; i<N) {
        // Send the TM buffer to the telemetry stream
        . . .
        // The TelemetryFormatter is a plug-in component for 
        // the TM manager
        void loadTelemetryFormatter(TelemetryFormatter* tmFmt) {
        tmFormatter = tmFmt;
        . . .	// other methods

In this implementation the TM manager maintains, as usual, a list of telemeterable objects and when it is activated it goes through the list to ask each telemetry object to return its telemetry data. Here it is assumed that the telemeterable objects return their telemetry data as a sequence of bytes that are returned one by one by successively calling an iteration method getNext(). The telemetry manager must store the telemetry data in a telemetry buffer that in the above pseudo-code is represented by an array of bytes (variable tmBuffer).

In the simple implementation of the design pattern, the telemetry data are stored in the telemetry buffer in the same order in which they are collected and the layout of the telemetry buffer cannot therefore be controlled. In the implementation shown above instead, the order in which the telemetry data are collected is encapsulated in a TelemetryFormatter component. This component defines an iterator method getNextTmComp() that returns the index of the telemeterable component that must be queried for its next telemetry data item.

The telemetry formatter is a plug-in component for the telemetry manager that can now be customized to implement different telemetry layouts.

If the telemetry data are organized as a set of independent telemetry items, the telemetry item pattern might provide a better design solution to the telemetry management problem.

OBS Framework Mapping

The implementation of this design pattern in the OBS Framework is supported by the following classes:

Sample Code

One of the sample code examples of the event design pattern discussed how event repositories can be set up that could be used to model the history data collection. The history data need to be sent to the ground as telemetry data. This means that the corresponding event repository should be made to implement interface Telemeterable. Consider for instance the ControllerEventRepository class introduced at the end of the previously mentioned sample code section. This should be implemented as follows:

    class ControllerEventRepository: EventRepository, Telemeterable {

      // add an event of type ControllerEvent to the repository
      void create(int evtType, float[] rd);
      // Iterators to return the content of 
      //the repository buffer byte-by-byte
      byte getFirstTmByte() { . . . }
      byte getNextTmByte(){ . . . }
      bool isLastByte(){ . . . }
      // The format of the controller TM image 
      //is fixed: dummy implementation
      void setTelemetryFormat(int newFormat) {

The above implementation assumes that there is only telemetry format associated to the event repository.




A. Pasetti (P&P Software)

Last Modified


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