Control Block Design Pattern


Decouple the implementation of data-processing algorithms from their management.

Based On

This pattern is based on the sequential data processing design pattern of the AOCS Framework (see also: A. Pasetti, Embedded Control Systems and Software Frameworks, Springer-Verlag, 2002).


On-board systems typically implement data processing algorithms. The algorithms are usually embedded within the application. Their parameters are normally read from an on-board database. This latter feature provides some flexibility in tuning the algorithm. However, the structure of the algorithm itself is normally hard-coded and very difficult to change.

In a better solution, the algorithm is entirely encapsulated in a dedicated component that is made to implement a standard interface. This interface decouples the management of the algorithm from its implementation and makes the replacement of the algorithm easy.

The control block design pattern proposes such an encapsulation mechanism. This design pattern is obtained from a simplification of the sequential data processing design pattern in the AOCS Framework. The AOCS Framework proposes a more ambitious mechanism that allows control algorithms to be combined in various ways. The control block design patterns instead models individual algorithms.

Dictionary Entries

The following abstractions or domain-wide concepts are defined to support the implementation of this design pattern:


The control block design patterns conceptualizes a data processing algorithm as a transfer function of the following kind:

	x (t+dt) = f ( x(t) , u(t) )
	y (t) = g ( x(t) , u(t) )  
where the usual notation is adopted with u representing the input vector, y the output vector and x the state vector.

The fundamental operation to be performed on a control channel is the propagation of its output signal from time t to time (t+dt). A propagate(t) operation is defined on control blocks that causes their outputs to be propagated up to time t. The time t to which the output values are propagated is called the validity time of the outputs. The control block then maintains a set of inputs, a set of outputs and, optionally, a set of internal states and it implements a propagation algorithm that processes the inputs to update the internal state and to generate the outputs.

The control block abstraction is implemented by the ControlBlock abstract interface that defines the generic operations that can be performed on a control block. The key operation is propagate which directs the control block object to propagate its inputs from the current time to some target time. The control block should be linked to its input and output data and therefore the ControlBlock interface defines two link operations for the inputs and outputs. Finally, control blocks normally have an internal state and therefore a reset service should be defined to allow this state to be reset to some default value.



The typical operational scenario for this design pattern is:



This design pattern is useful when:

Implementation Issues

Control blocks should be linked to their inputs and outputs. This is necessary to relieve their clients from the need to pass input values to them at each activation and to collect output values. The linking mechanism could be done using the connection design pattern. In this case, the control block component would be configured with a set of data item instances that represent the locations where it is to collect its inputs and where it is to deposit its outputs.

ControlBlock will often be implemented as an abstract base class. The mechanisms for linking the inputs and outputs are independent of the propagation algorithm and could therefore be implemented in this base class.

The control block, when it is activated, propagates its inputs from the current time to some target time. How is the target time determined? In one solution, it is passed as a parameter to the propagate method. In another solution, the control block assumes that time is always incremented by some fixed interval.

In very simple cases, an embedded application will include a few control blocks that must be propagated on a periodic basis throughout the application life. In such cases, the management of the control blocks is straightforward. The application holds a list of control blocks and it periodically goes through the list and sends them a propagate request. In more realistic cases, however, the application will include several control blocks encapsulating different algorithms which must be propagated at different times and under different operational conditions. There are essentially two ways to manage this situation. The first one is based on the punctual action design pattern. The second one is based on the manager design pattern.

The first solution requires introducing the notion of control action. A control action is a form of conditional punctual action that encapsulates the propagation of a control block the conditions under which the control block is to be propagated (see class diagram below). The application holds a list of control actions to which it sends periodic execution requests. It is up to each control action to decide if the execution request should be translated into a propagation request for the control block. In this manner, the application is shielded both from the knowledge of which control algorithms are implemented (since these are encapsulated in the control blocks), and of which conditions determine their propagation (since these are encapsulated in the control actions).

The second solution requires introducing the notion of controller manager. A controller manager is a functionality manager that manages a list of control blocks (i.e. it uses the control blocks as functionality implementers). With this solution, dependencies on operational conditions are managed by introducing a mode manager to supply mode-dependent lists of control blocks to the controller manager. Now the application only sees the controller manager and periodically activates it. All further details - the number and type of control blocks and the conditions under which they are to be activated - are hidden from it.

OBS Framework Mapping

The implementation of this design pattern in the OBS Framework is supported by the following classes:

Sample Code

As a first example, consider the case where the data items are used to represent the inputs and outputs of a control block. A sample implementation for a control block base abstract class could be as follows:

    class ControlBlock {

            DataItem input[];
            DataItem output[];
            float state[];	// buffer to hold the internal state

    	// parameters are the number of inputs, outputs and states
	ControlBlock(int n, int m, int p) {
	. . .	// initialize the internal data structures

	// Link inp to the i-th input of the control block
	void linkInput(int i, DataItem inp) {

	// Link out to the i-th output of the control block
	void linkInput(int i, DataItem inp) {

	virtual void propagate(time targetTime)=0;
Concrete control blocks must simply provide an implementation for method propagate. Their implementation of this method can use the data structures defined in the super class as sources of input values and destinations for the output values. As an example consider a trivial concrete control block with one input and one output and that computes an output that is twice its input:
    class TrivialControlBlock : ControlBlock {

        virtual void propagate(time targetTime) {




A. Pasetti (P&P Software)

Last Modified


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