The CORDET Feature Models

This page provides some basic instructions on how to use the feature models for the CORDET Frameworks. Two feature models are provided covering the Control Framework and the DH Framework, respectively. The feature models are provided as zip files that contain all the files required to re-create the two feature models within the XFeature tool.

The feature model zip files can be downloaded from the domain analysis page or from the download page of the CORDET Project Web Site. These two pages also give access to the technical note that documents the domain model for the two frameworks, including their feature models.

This page assumes the reader to be familiar with the XFeature Tool.



The feature models for the Control and DH Frameworks were built using version 2.1.2 of the XFeature Tool. The tool was configured to use the FD Configuration. The FD Configuration is one of the default configurations of the XFeature tool and it is delivered with the tool itself.

Deploying the Feature Models

Assuming that XFeature is successfully installed in accordance with the instructions at XFeature download page, it is possible to deploy the Cordet feature models as follows:

  1. Create a new project via File | New | Project... | General | Project, click Next, enter any name e.g. CordetFeatureModels, and click Finish.
  2. Get the models from the download page and unpack them them to the folder you have just created.
  3. Go back to Eclipse and open the Navigator view -- go to Window | Show View | Navigator.
  4. Right-click the project icon in your Eclipse's and choose Refresh.
  5. In the Navigator view, browse through the refreshed project to locate file control.fxm. Right-click it and choose Open With | XFeature Feature Model Editor.
  6. XFeature will inform you that the meta-model path stored in the downloaded feature model is not found and asks whether you want to locate it yourself. Click Yes. Go to c:\eclipse\eclipse-SDK-3.3-win32\eclipse\plugins\com.pnp.xfeature_2.1.2\ of whatever is your XFeature intallation direcotry and follow further down to src\FD_configuration_files\FD.xfmm. If you do not know what is your XFeature installation directory, find it out in Window | Preferences | XFeature; Note that XFeature will not allow you to open the model if you have a space character in the path -- consider reinstalling Eclipse and changing the workspace location.
  7. If you wish to validate the control.xfm model, open the Cordet.xfp and update the paths to match your XFeature installation path.
  8. Check the XFeature demo to see how family models can be used to generate system meta-models and valid system models.