Sample Federates

This page describes and gives access to the sample HLA federates provided with the EODiSP environment.

The EODiSP is currently under development. This page is still incomplete.


Matrix Transposition

This sample federate performs a simple data conversion operation. It assumes its inputs to represent a 2x2 matrix and it generates as outputs the transpose matrix. This type of federate is useful to resolve format incompatibilities between other federates in a simulation.

The EODiSP is currently under development. This section is still incomplete.

Look-Up Table

This sample federate has one input and one output. The output is computed as a function of the input. The function is defined as a look-up with linear interpolation. This type of federate is useful when a federate needs as an input a calibrated version of the output of some other federate.

The EODiSP is currently under development. This section is still incomplete.

Message Logger

This sample federate has one input only. The input is a string representing a message generated by some other federate in a simulation. The federate time-stamps and writes this input message to a log file. This federate is useful when there is a need to maintain a centralized archive to which all federates in a simulation can send log messages.

The EODiSP is currently under development. This section is still incomplete.