Test Case TC_404

This page describes one of the test cases of the EODiSP.

This test case uses the EarthCARE Simulator as a test platform. The simulator is operated in its default configuration .



Identifier TC_404
Name Register Simulation Object Models (SOM) in the remote repository.
Primary Actor PnP_1 Simulation Owner
Description Describes the steps required to register all Simulation Object Models for the EarthCARE simulator in the remote repository .
Pre-Condition Test case TC_202 (Set-up repository manager application) has been successfully completed.
Post-Condition All Simulation Object Models (SOM) required to run the simulator are installed in the remote repository and can be used by the model managers.


  1. Actor starts the repository manager application by entering the following command at the operating system prompt: java -jar eodisp_rm.jar
  2. System shows the GUI of the repository manager application to the actor.
  3. Actor chooses to connect to the repository by either pressing the connect icon or by selecting Connect from the Repository menu.
  4. System connects to the Repository and indicates an established connection by disabling the connect icon
  5. Actor chooses to download the data from the repository by clicking the down arrow icon or by selecting Reload Data from the Repository menu.
  6. System downloads data from the repository.
  7. Actor switches to the SOMs (Simulation Object Models) tab.
  8. System shows a list of registered Simulation Object Models (SOM).
  9. If not already present, the actor adds all required SOMs. This is done by right-clicking into the list area (anywhere in the list) and selecting Add SOM from the pop-up menu.
  10. System shows the Register SOM dialog.
  11. Actor fills in all information and selects the Save & Exit button
  12. .
  13. System adds the SOM to the repository.