Use Case UC_106

This page describes one of the use cases of the EODiSP. An overview of the use case concept as it is used in the EODiSP project and of all the use cases defined for the project is provided in a dedicated page which also describes the conventions that are used to define the use case.



Identifier UC_106
Name Run Experiment
Primary Actor Simulation owner
Level User Goal
Description Starts a simulation experiment which has been configured. The configuration of a simulation experiment is explained in use case UC_104.
Pre-Condition (1) Use case UC_104 (configure simulation experiment) has been successfully completed for the simulation experiment which is selected to run. (2) All participating models in the simulation experiment are available in the EODiSP network. (3) If no network connection is configured, all federates must be available locally.
Post-Condition The simulation experiment has been completed successfully.

Main Success Scenario

  1. Actor selects the simulation experiments which he wants to run from a list of available experiments.
  2. System displays the selected experiment, including all information.
  3. Actor checks the availability of the participating federates.
  4. Actor starts the simulation experiment.
  5. System initialises simulation experiment.
  6. System runs simulation experiment.
  7. System detects that the simulation experiments has finished executing.
  8. System signals end of simulation experiment to the actor.

Alternative Flows

3a. Not all participating federates are currently available in the EODiSP network.

1. System displays an error.

2. Actor checks the availability of federates periodically until all federates are available in the EODiSP network.

5-6a. System detects an internal error during execution of a simulation experiment.

1. System signals error.

2a System cannot recover error.

1. Actor aborts the executing simulation experiment (see use case UC_110).

2. Actor starts the simulation experiment again.

5-6b. Actor chooses to abort the currently running simulation experiment.

1. See UC_110.

5-6c. At any time in continuous operation mode, actor switches to step-by-step operation mode.

1. System sends information to the federation to switch to step-by-step operation mode.

2. The participating federates decide on the behaviour in step-by-step mode and operate accordingly.

3. Actor may steps forward for one step.

4. System sends information to the federation to switch to advance one step.

5. The participating federates decide on the behaviour for a next step call.

5-6d. At any time in step-by-step operation mode, actor switches to continuous operation mode.

1. System sends information to the federation to switch to step-by-step operation mode.

2. The participating federates decide on the behaviour when switching back to continuous mode.

5-6e. System detects a network error.

1a Network error occurred in the simulation manager application.

1a The simulation manager can reconnect to the EODiSP network after a certain amount of time.

1b The simulation manager cannot reconnect to the EODiSP network.

1. System signals error.

2. Actor cancels the experiment (see UC_110).

3. System is ready to execute another simulation experiment after the network problem has been fixed.

1b Network error occurred in one of the participating simulation models.

1. System signals error.

2. Actor cancels the experiment (see UC_110).

3. System is ready to execute another simulation experiment.