Use Case UC_316

This page describes one of the use cases of the EODiSP. An overview of the use case concept as it is used in the EODiSP project and of all the use cases defined for the project is provided in a dedicated page which also describes the conventions that are used to define the use case.



Identifier UC_316
Name Create a New SOM File
Primary Actor Model owner
Level Subfunction
Description Describes the steps to create a new SOM file.
Pre-Condition none.
Post-Condition A SOM file that defines the desired object classes and their attributes and the ability of the federate for publishing them or subscribing to them.

Main Success Scenario

  1. Actor opens a XML and XML Schema capable editor of his choice.
  2. Actor makes the XML Schema available to the editor. The XML Schema is available from the download section of this web page. This XML Schema has been created for the EODiSP project. It specifies the required format of a SOM.
  3. Actor creates a SOM according to the needs of the simulation.

Alternative Flows

5a. SOM file does not validates against its XML Schema.

1. System signals error.

2. Actor corrects the SOM file and chooses to regenerate the federate interface implementation.