Test Case TC_316

This page describes one of the test cases of the EODiSP. The test case described in this page instantiates a nominal scenario of the use case UC_316.

This test case uses the EarthCARE Simulator as a test platform. The simulator is operated in its default configuration.



Identifier TC_316
Name Create a new SOM file
Primary Actor ETH_2 Model Owner
Description Describes the steps required to create a new SOM file for the EarthCARE Simulator.
Pre-Condition none.
Post-Condition A SOM file that defines the desired object classes and their attributes and the ability of the federate for publishing them or subscribing to them.


  1. Actor opens an XML and XML Schema capable editor of his choice.
  2. Actor makes the XML Schema for EODiSP SOMs available to the editor. The XML Schema is available from the download section of this web page.
  3. Actor inspects the Management Object Model (MOM) file provided in the download section. The MOM includes all possible data types that can be used for a SOM.

  4. Actor inspects the orbit_propagator SOM file defined for the EarthCARE Simulator which can be found on the dedicated EarthCARE Simulator page. This SOM file is a good starting point and can be used as a template for other SOMs.
  5. Actor defines his SOM.